How can I use   in my XSLT file?

Put this right below the XML declaration
<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [<!ENTITY nbsp "<xsl:text disable-output-escaping=’yes’>&amp;nbsp;</xsl:text>">]>
then, you can type &nbsp; in the document without any problems.

Capturing Music Streams

Is there a way that I can save down the music I’m listening too from an Internet stream?

If you use WinAmp, you can use a tool called Streamripper that will save the music down even when you’re not listening.

I do this when I know I’m going to be traveling. I’ll start this up the night before and stream some music to disk and transfer it to my iPod.

Once I’ve listened to the stream, I usually just delete the music to make room for more, random music.


Force IE8 to IE7 Compatibility Mode

Is there a way that I can force IE8 users to enter IE7 compatibility mode when they hit my website so that I don’t have to change my working IE7 site?

Yes. There is. Details are on this Microsoft blog.

Essentially, there are two ways to implement this:

  • On a per-site basis, add a custom HTTP header

X-UA-Compatible: IE=EmulateIE7

  • On a per-page basis, add a special HTML tag to each document, right after the <head> tag

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />

I hope that works for you.  I understand from some that even with this setting, you might have to tweak a few things.
